Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Product Review - Anarchy Models HD Stencil System

Time for a speedy review!

Having known Brian over at Anarchy Models for a few years now (I'll be helping him his stand at Salute this year, so please do come say hello!) I obviously helped back his Kickstarter for his stencils. I then promptly started painting everything that didn't need stencils... Until I started my Desperate Measures list for Breakthrough Assault. While on one of our 'Random Hobby Adventures' I convinced Brian to make a bespoke 15mm scale 'disc cammo' - formed from using metal discs welded together as stencil:

Disc Cammo Stug!

The stencils peel easily from the sheet

I started by spraying the whole model green - when using these stencils, you have to paint 'back to front' - the top colour first. This is unusual, and takes some getting used to!

Its like painting, only backwards!!
The stencils apply easily, gently stretching over the raised details. I was worried the zimmerit on the Jagdpanthers would be an issue, but there were no problems. After covering all the areas I wanted to keep green, I sprayed the areas I wanted brown discs on, and applied the stencils again.

Curves posing a problem?

Gently press to shape with a cocktail stick!

Mmmm, spotty. Blue tacing onto a lollypop stick really helped with not dropping them!

When all the areas you want to have cammo are stencilled up, its time to apply the base colour - the age old favourite Dunklegelb!

Now for the fun bit! When dry, carefully peel off the stencils to reveal your lovely disc-cammo!

Try not to scrape the paint....

Ta dah! I used too thick a final coat, which gave the lip on the green. Using a lighter coat of paint stops this!

I really like the final effect - I applied too much of a too thin final coat of yellow, which gave a slight lip to some of the discs - practise will prevent this (and it rubbed down ok too).

I had minimal bleed with these, and I believe that the tiny bit I did have was due to me using too thin a paint mix. With a bit more practise, this will be resolved.

The stencils stuck easily, and had plenty of tack left after use if I had more models to use them on - The trick is to apply from model to model, don't try to stick them back on the paper, as the tack will dry up.

If I did these again, I would use more brown areas to cover more space, but its a practise thing.

Its so much easier than it looks, I recommend to anyone that's interested to give it a go! If you are really unsure, Brian is also running airbrush lessons at the SnM stuff shop to guide you through it.

10/10 Fez's couldn't be better!!

Cheers for reading - Fez

Military in Miniature 2014 report

Last Saturday a crack team of hobbyists descended onto sleepy Guildford to compete, shop and show off their hobby skills.

The main hall

We even had Victorians,,,
 The show was hosted in association with the Aldershot branch of the British Model Soldier Society (BMSS). With traders, demo games, club displays, re-enactment groups, the show had a little for everyone. Obviously, having helped arrange the day, I'm massively bias, but I had a great day, and everyone I asked said they did too.

The Clubs demo table - FoW, Bolt action and Dystopian Wars.

We even had Malefuex Malefox

The beautiful World of Twilight table

More World of  Twilight
Thanks for all those who gave their time to help set up and run the show! We're all looking forward to next year!

My old mans tanks - he won a bronze and a commendation!

I would have taken this home if I could!

Mr Truelove's hobby hardcore entry!

Leah's tongue in cheek entry - got a commendation too!

Sean from SnM stuff - he got most of my money!

Brian of Anarchy models - Stencil king!

The Queens (Royal West Surrey) Regiment reenactment society www.q2vb.co.uk

The Sealed Knot

The Flat figure society - Need to try painting one of these next!
I'm sorry to the Board to death, Rivet Wars and club stands - for some reason my pictures didn't come out at all!

Next year will be bigger and better!


Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Breakthrough Assault 2014

Breakthrough Assault

This was a fantastic weekend with the Breakthrough Assault guys down on the south coast. Justin 'the troll' and I represented the Guildford Games Club, with Justin taking his Jumbo-tastic 7th AD and I took the Random Panzerkampfgroupe.

Despite having some issues with the venue, the weekend was a great one, with everybody in a good mood, playing great games of Flames of War.

I've left my notepad with the names of all my opponents at work - Doh'! I'll update this with them om Monday.

First game was a hard fought Breakthrough defending against Robin Spence's 7th AD, complete with Patton. I deployed aggressively to keep my lines of sight to his deployment, in order to prevent his spearhead. This caused Robin no end of grief with his deployment choices.

I ended up failing a tank terror to contest an objective, so ended up losing 9-12.

Second game was against Mike 'Santa' Klaka, with his Faust welding nutjobs (FJ's), and the Dust-up mission. Here, I made the most stupid mistake I've ever made in flames of war. Having always played red vs blue outside of tournaments, I was so used to seeing 88mm Flak 36's turn any tank they shot at inside out, I was so disturbed by them I desperately tried to double my panthers between two woods out of sight - although my concern at the pop-up nutjobs that they didn't quite make it, and a third of my army died for no reason.

I could have just turned the panther to face, and bounced the shots. Live and learn.

Another loss 5-16.

Game three was defending in a fighting withdrawal against Ben Cains American Armoured, in a very hedgy board. Highlights included Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool bogging on a hedge for almost the entire game.

Ben's luck was fairly atrocious, and I almost got the company break, but we ran out of turns. A 16-5 win!

The last game was against none-other than Winner Dave's t34's horde in a free for all.

As covered by his review, I made some more reckless moves, throwing it all at the wall and seeing what would stick - by this point I just wanted to have some fun. If you've listened to the 'beyond the foxholes', I moved the Flak 88's to try and cover more angles - they were masked from where they deployed.

A 1-20 loss, but a really fun game - thanks Dave!

Thanks to Ben and all involved for such a fun weekend - the atmosphere was light and everyone just had fun. Really looking forward to next year - Justin had a great weekend, and was in the running for a trophy right up till the end, which is a massive leap from his Corrivalry outing - Good job!


Here's the photo dump!

Next time....