Sunday, 7 September 2014

So much happening in so little time!

Hello again,
Looks like I owe you guys another apology, two months with no posts...

But what a two months! I've been taking physio to recover from the accident, although the repairs on the bike have taken forever.

I also attended the Breakthrough Assault one-dayer, and should have a AAR for that up shortly. Then I went to the craziest 4 days in gaming on the planet - Gen Con. I'm putting together the report for that as well.

Breakthrough Assaults one dayer-including levitating tables!

My 1780pt Bridge by Bridge list
Combine that with starting my pilots license proper, my dad turning 60 and I've not had a whole heap of time to blog.
My 'First Solo' Picture
Some where along the line I also became the owner of 23 Warlord Panthers, for my 'Bolt Action Fez' Game.

So... Many.... Tanks.....
That concludes the sneakpeeks of the posts to come, along with my 'road to Warfare 2014'!

Thanks for reading,



  1. Look forward to it - heard you round 1 opponent at BA1D was not a nice person

  2. Looking forward to your thoughts on GenCon.

    1. I've tried twice to start writing it, but its such an experience it's so hard to get out on paper (or text). I end up with more exclamation marks than an action scene from a Commando magazine, and it just pails in comparison with the actual event. Still, have set aside time this weekend to type it up properly for you!
